SWUFE Spring Programme Talk

On 11th March 2022, Song Utz (Senior Executive Officer, Faculty International Office of Social Sciences (FIO)) and Dr Carlos Lobo (Director of Internationalisation, School of Mathematical Sciences) were joined by Dr Rob Angell (Associate Dean International of Social Sciences) for a virtual promotion with Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE) students watching live.
Song Utz, who spoke in Mandarin and English throughout the presentation, introduced Dr Rob Angell and explained that FIO regularly makes in-person partner visits to SWUFE in China. However, due to the pandemic, FIO has been arranging virtual meetings instead. Song and Carlos last held a virtual talk with SWUFE students as recently as December 2021.
Dr Rob Angell then gave the opening address about the University campuses and local area. He highlighted the heritage sites and beauty spots nearby and talked about the University’s high standing.
Dr Carlos Lobo next gave a presentation in which he talked about the School of Mathematical Sciences reputation, as well as giving an overview of the undergraduate and postgraduate partner programmes available. He also discussed study opportunities for students, such as the Master’s summer project, and the networking and job opportunities for students to apply their skills in the workplace.
Song Utz later went on to give a presentation about student life. She provided information about the application process, accommodation, healthcare, visa application, as well as facilities on campus. She also gave reassurance to students about the study support available, including describing the Personal Academic Tutor (PAT) role, and providing details about student hub and FIO partner student support. She concluded her talk by discussing social integration, mentioning FIO and Global Lounge events, as well as the alumni community that students would become part of after their studies at Southampton.
Next, Ms Feng (Programme Coordinator, SWUFE) shared a presentation made by a SWUFE alumna, which she delivered in Mandarin to students watching live. Within the presentation the student had included many photos and stories of their personal experiences whilst studying at Southampton. We really enjoyed this presentation and thank Ms Feng and our alumna student for sharing her happy memories!
The talk ended with a lively question-and-answer session, during which the panel answered questions about the UK grading system, fees, application process, language qualifications, and pre-sessional courses.
FIO looks forward to answering further questions from SWUFE students and welcoming them in Southampton soon!