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The University of Southampton
Social Sciences Faculty International Office

Student Open Forum ¦ Assessments & exams: what can you do to get it right? Event

18:00 - 20:00
29 October 2019
Level 1 Foyer, Building 58, Highfield Campus

For more information regarding this event, please email Faculty International Office at .

Event details

How are you feeling about tackling your semester one assessments and exams? Confident? Unsure? However you’re approaching it, your Faculty International Office would like to invite you to this Student Open Forum. A panel of academic staff, support services, and student representatives will offer information and tips on how to tackle assessments and exams well, and the support available. The panel will then be open to answer your questions (which you can either ask on the night or submit in advance). The forum is also your opportunity to raise your views on how we can better support you. Drinks and snacks will be available during the event. Please register to let us know you'd like to attend!

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