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The University of Southampton
Social Sciences Faculty International Office

Southampton Education School - Seminar: Engaging teachers, Education practitioners, and students with Health Research Event

Southampton Education School
12:00 - 13:00
20 October 2020
Online Seminar

For more information regarding this event, please email Education FOS Team at .

Event details

Title: Engaging teachers, education practitioners and students with Health and Health research. Lisa Bagust and Donna Lovelock (Life Lab, University of Southampton). To register please email:

What is the seminar about? Our previous research ‘Engaging teenagers in improving their health behaviours and increasing their interest in science (Evaluation of LifeLab Southampton): study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial’, has shown sustained changes in pupil knowledge and motivation, with less evidence of translation into behaviour change. We will discuss how we have addressed this using Healthy Conversation Skills training for teachers as part of our professional development and how we have expanded our offer for school students through inclusion of the Young Health Champions Qualification.

What are the key messages? The challenges faced when engaging schools in research and some of the tactics we have used to engage schools, teachers and young people with research.

What are the implications for practice or research? We have previously measured impact using mainly qualitative research, focus groups and some thematic analysis. In our current randomised control trial, Engaging Adolescents in Changing Behaviours (EACH-B) we are collecting both qualitative and quantitative data and overcoming the challenges of this with schools.

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