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Professor Graham Moon

Emeritus Professor of Human Geography

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Professor Graham Moon is Emeritus Professor of Human Geography within the School of Geography and Environmental Science at the University of Southampton

Professor Moon joined the University of Southampton in 2007 as Professor of Spatial Analysis in Human Geography. He retired in 2019 but continues with various research roles. Prior to joining Southampton he was the University Director of Research at the University of Portsmouth and (since 1996) Professor of Health Services Research.

Professor Moon’s research focusses on health geography, with a particular concern for the difference that place makes to health-related behaviours (smoking, drinking and diet) and mental health service use. He was elected to the Fellowship of the Academy of Social Sciences in 2011 in recognition of this work. He collaborates extensively with other health geographers, particularly in New Zealand and Canada as well as elsewhere in the UK (Edinburgh, Bristol), and with colleagues in social statistics, public health and social epidemiology. He was elected an Honorary Member of the Faculty of Public Health in 2012.

Professor Moon collaborated in the development and evolution of the new geography of health and in the introduction of multilevel modelling to geography. Primarily quantitative and statistical in its focus, his research has unusually also extended to qualitative studies of mental health care and the role of place in health policy, and to histories of health/medical geography. In recent years he has researched extensively at the interface between health geography and quantitative social science focussing on residential mobility and health and, particularly, the small area estimation of health needs. His research on smoking prevalence and on mental health care has impacted significantly on national policy.

Professor Moon has held visiting professorships in New Zealand and France and led the Royal Geographical Society health geography research group. He founded and continues as emeritus editor-in-chief of Health and Place, the leading journal for place-related social research on health.

BA (Geography) Exeter 1978
PhD (Geography) Portsmouth 1982
FAcSS (2011)
HonMFPH (2012)

Google Scholar Profile

2007-date University of Southampton, Professor of Geography
1982-2007 University of Portsmouth, Professor of Health Services Research and University Director of Research

Research interests

  • Place effects on health-related behaviour, particularly smoking, diet and alcohol consumption
  • Applications of multilevel modelling in human geography; small area estimation methods
  • Post-asylum geographies and mental health care delivery
  • Restructuring primary health care provision

PhD Supervision

Professor Moon has supervised over 30 PhDs. He is currently involved in the supervision of three students.

Research projects

  • The geography of smoking behaviour. Funded variously by ESRC, Health Development Authority, NHS Health Scotland, Care Quality Commission, Public Health England and the South Coast DTP, this research has involved collaborations with Liz Twigg, (University of Portsmouth); Jamie Pearce (University of Edinburgh), Ross Barnett (University of Canterbury NZ), and Nathaniel Lewis, Megan Davies and Robert Taylor (University of Southampton). ‘Smoking Geographies’ (Wiley 2017) was a capstone monograph summarising and extending the research with colleagues in Christchurch, Portsmouth and Edinburgh. Current work is focussing on smoking in the global south with Robert Taylor (PhD student) and WorldPop colleagues.
  • Evaluating the effects of Community Treatment Orders in England using the Mental Health Minimum Data Set (NIHR; with Scott Weich (Sheffield), Craig Duncan (Portsmouth) and others). Final papers from this project are now appearing.
  • 'Institutional survival' - the spectral geography of the psychiatric asylum (with Alun Joseph University of Guelph, Canada, and Robin Kearns, University of Auckland, New Zealand). ‘The Afterlives of the Psychiatric Asylum’ (Routledge, 2016) summarised over a decade of collaborative research on the diverse fates of former psychiatric asylums in the UK, Canada, New Zealand and elsewhere. Work continues on third generation fates in New Zealand and filmic memorialisation.
  • I also collaborate with Dianna Smith and Lauren Wilson (SoGES) and Paul Roderick (Public Health) on research into mid-age problem drinking, and with Christina Vogel and Janis Baird (MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit) on choice architecture in food stores (the NIHR funded Wrapped study ) and with Christina, Janis, and Dianna Smith and Monique Campbell (SoGES) on research into environmental effects on diet

Research Groups

Population Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)
Global Health Research Institute
Care theme
Population Health theme
Spatial Population Analysis and Modelling theme
Population Health USRG

Research group

Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)

  • Member, ESRC Peer Review College, ESRC Mental Health Expert Group, MQ Data Science Group
  • Member, Editorial Board, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
  • Founding Editor and Emeritus Editor-in-Chief, Health and Place

Professor Moon served as Associate Dean (Research) for the Faculty of Social, Human and Mathematical Sciences, 2013-2016; Acting Co-Head of Geography and Environment (2012-13); Deputy Head Research and Enterprise, Geography (2010-2013); and Deputy Head Education, Geography (2007-2010). He led the REF2013 submission for Geography and Environment.

Professor Graham Moon
University of Southampton University Road Southampton SO17 1BJ

Room Number : 44/2071

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