Geography Professors feature in Making Scotlands Landscape.
Professors Mary Edwards and David Sear appeared alongside Professor Iain Stewart in the BBC documentary Making Scotland’s Landscape.
The episode was about climate change in Scotland, and the film makers were interested in explaining the decline in climate conditions about 4000-5000 years ago that led to the abandonment of several Scottish settlements. Filming Mary and David coring lake sediments provided an opportunity for them to discuss with Iain how information from fossils and changes in the lake sediments themselves are used to reconstruct climate history. The research project that Mary and Dave are working on, together with colleague Dr. Pete Langdon, is a jointly funded research venture between the BBC, the Atlantic Salmon Trust and NERC-BGS to reconstruct the long-term dynamics of the Atlantic Salmon population of the river Spey catchment against a backdrop of climate change and human impact.