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The University of Southampton
Geography and Environmental Science

Professor awarded remote sensing gold medal

Published: 26 October 2011
Ted holding the gold medal

Geography and Environment's Professor Ted Milton has been awarded the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society gold medal in recognition of his sustained and distinguished contribution to the techniques and applications of remote sensing.

In the early part of his career, Professor Milton designed one the first portable multiband radiometers for use in validating multispectral measurements from satellite sensors. Over 100 of these instruments were produced, and many are still in use in education and training worldwide. He later established the NERC Equipment Pool for Field Spectroscopy and, during his 15 years directing this facility, he was involved in over 300 research projects, including several high profile international campaigns.

In 2003 Ted established NCAVEO, a Knowledge Transfer Network for Calibration and Validation in Earth Observation, together with colleagues from the National Physical Laboratory and Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. This network brought together representatives from academia, industry and government, and was highly influential in the formation of QA4EO, a quality assurance framework for Earth Observation. QA4EO is now a key component of GEOSS, the Global Earth Observing System of Systems which provides decision-support tools to a wide variety of users across the globe.

Ted says of the award, “It means a great deal to me because it was recognition from my peers in remote sensing for my sustained contribution across many different areas of academic activity. My next research challenge will tackle the assimilation of data from ground-based and aerial platforms into a quality-assured Environmental Change Space Observatory for the UK.”

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