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The University of Southampton
Geography and Environmental Science

Follow our Arolla field trip on twitter

Published: 13 August 2012

Good luck to students and staff who are currently working hard on the final year BSc field course, which is based in the village of Arolla in the high Alps of Switzerland.

The trip, which runs from the 14th to the 25th August, is one of the highlights of the BSc programme, offering students the opportunity to engage in challenging research projects to investigate glacier response to climate change, the hydrology and fluvial geomorphology of glaciated environments, Alpine ecology, and unravel past environmental changes - all in a spectacularly beautiful location.

This year the course is being led by Professor Steve Darby and Dr Pete Langdon .

If you would like to learn more about the course and the opportunities it offers then you can follow the trip's progress on twitter (internet access permitting) - just search for #Arolla2012 or #geogsoton

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