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The University of Southampton
Geography and Environmental Science

MSc student wins ESRC prize for engagement with retail industry

Published: 30 October 2012

Applied GIS and Remote Sensing MSc student Matt Pratt was awarded first prize in an Economic and Social Research Council scheme to link up masters students with the retail industry.

Matt was one of twenty students from a range of academic disciplines and universities, who were participating in the scheme.

Matt's dissertation involved a partnership with the retailer Boots and looked at an innovative way of defining retail conurbations; collections of stores that attract customers from a similar catchment area.

His dissertation was supervised by Dr. Jim Wright and Sam Cockings .

Matt was awarded his prize in recognition of its potential for longer term impact at the Demographic User Group conference in London, a forum that brings together commercial, government, and academic users of demographic information.

Matt was presented with his prize by Fiona Armstrong, ESRC Head of Knowledge Exchange (pictured).

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