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The University of Southampton
Geography and Environmental Science

Improving our understanding of health needs through statistical modelling techniques

Published: 30 July 2014

Researchers from Geography at Southampton (Prof Graham Moon and Dr Joanna Taylor) and Geography at Portsmouth (Dr Liz Twigg), are examining new ways to develop health statistics in small areas. They were invited to the the Netherlands to deliver a short course on their research.

Graham Moon , Professor of Spatial Analysis in Human Geography, was invited to run the two day workshop for Dutch regional health agencies. The course explained how to use the innovative technique of multilevel small area synthetic estimation (ML-SASE) with national administrative and survey datasets on order to learn more about local health related behaviours and outcomes such as limiting long term conditions, carer responsibilities and self-assessed health. Delegates came from across the Netherlands and included researchers from the Health Services of the Netherlands and from regional statistics offices.Delegates intend to use the knowledge gained from the workshop to develop small area health estimates across the Netherlands to inform their evidence base for targeting policy initiatives and allocating resources.

The course drew on research directed by Professor Moon and funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), as part of their Secondary Data Analysis Initiative.

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