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The University of Southampton
Geography and Environmental Science

Southampton geographers are making an impact at the world’s largest Earth and space science meeting

Published: 15 December 2017
Students at summit
Students presented 12 papers and posters to showcase work in Geosciences

This year seven geographers from the University of Southampton attended the prestigious AGU conference held in New Orleans, US, and presented 12 papers and posters to showcase their work in Geosciences.

Highlights included three invited talks:

Also on show were posters on climate change in the Tropical Pacific, a new sediment entrainment model, and the continuing research on global river deltas and large rivers.

The team from Geography and Environment presented their world-leading research alongside 31 other members from the University of Southampton, including staff from Ocean and Earth Science and the National Oceanography Centre. When they weren’t presenting, university staff spent time with other delegates at the University of Southampton stand and highlighted the environmental educational offerings across the university.

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