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The University of Southampton
Geography and Environmental Science

23rd Annual Gregory Lecture. Tracing Arctic climate evolution: from a forested arctic to the present. Event

Professor Julie Brigham-Grette
5 March 2015
Lecture Theatre A (room 1041) Shackleton Building 44 Highfield Campus

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Event details

The new paleoclimate record from Crater Lake El’gygytgyn (Lake E), NE Russia, provides the first complete record of Pliocene and Pleistocene climate change from the terrestrial arctic high latitudes. These data are now being used to assess the climate evolution of the Arctic since a time when the arctic borderlands were forested and the Greenland Ice sheet did not exist in its present form. Moreover, these data provide a means to better understand inter-hemispheric linkages of natural climate variability, potentially impacting both polar regions over the past few million years. The project continues as a successful multinational collaboration.

All are welcome to attend

Refreshments from 17:30, lecture commences at 18:00 followed by a post lecture drinks reception

23rd Annual Gregory Lecture with Professor Julie Brigham-Grette
Gregory Lecture invitation

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Speaker information

Professor Julie Brigham-Grette,University of Massachusetts-Amherst,Department of Geosciences

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