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The University of Southampton
Geography and Environmental Science

Building a geodemographic classification for older people in England Seminar

26 November 2020
Via Teams

Event details

Geography & Environmental Science Seminar

The population of England is ageing. While it has been argued that the ageing population may present an untapped demographic dividend, it will equally challenge the fiscal sustainability of existing models of service provision. Response to either those opportunities or challenges presented are constrained by limited understanding of the differentiation within a population often presented in much current policy as homogenous. Indeed the ageist narrative underpinning much of the policy responses to COVID-19 clearly illustrates the extent to which policies can be ignorant of the heterogeneity in older people. To address these, we are developing a bespoke, multi-dimensional geodemographic classification of the current population of England aged 50 and over. This unique policy resource will combine traditional and novel data sources that capture the social and spatial heterogeneity of the older population in England. This presentation will introduce our classification and the case studies we are developing to demonstrate it’s utility in contributing to policy development and service targeting.

Speaker Information

Dr Frances Darlington-Pollock , University of Liverpool

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