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The University of Southampton
Geography and Environmental Science

An Ease of Social Distancing Index - mapped outputs for urban areas in sub-Saharan Africa Seminar

7 January 2021
Via Teams

Event details

Geography & Environmental Science Seminar

Social distancing is a public health measure intended to reduce infectious disease transmission, by maintaining physical distance between individuals or households. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, populations in many countries around the world have been advised to maintain social distance, with distances of 1-2m commonly advised. Feasibility of social distancing is dependent on the availability of space and the number of people, causing challenges particularly within urban areas. In such locations, a focus on alternative measures to reduce disease transmission may be needed. To identify locations where social distancing is difficult, we have developed an ease of social distancing index, based on the space available around buildings and population density. The index is being applied for urban areas in 50 countries across sub-Saharan Africa to create mapped outputs of ease of social distancing at high spatial resolution. This presentation will introduce the ease of social distancing index and highlight some examples of mapped outputs for urban areas in Zambia.

Speaker Information

Heather Chamberlain – Enterprise Fellow, Geography and Environmental Science at the University of Southampton.

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