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The University of Southampton
Geography and Environmental Science

Geography & Environmental Science Seminar Seminar

3 February 2022
Via Teams

Event details

Geography & Environmental Science Seminar


Daniela Rivera-Marin - Environmental Change and Sustainability, School of Geography and Environmental Science

Title: Use of remote sensing for desertification studies

The study and assessment of the desertification process and/or the advance or retreat of arid areas as a function of natural and anthropogenic variables is necessary for the predictions of future risk to evaluate the impact of climate change, and to rightly support the policymaking, action plans, and mitigation measures that can be taken on a local and a global scale. Remote sensing is an empirical approach to study the concept of desertification, one that allows to model, monitor, and predicts the behaviour of several elements, such as precipitation, temperature, and vegetation, in different affected areas. The study of desertification using remote sensing techniques goes back to 1981 when Ulf Hellden studied approaches to rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems in Africa. Since then, there has been numerous attempts to assess desertification, consequently different platforms, satellites, software, and methods had been developed. In this research is explored since when remote sensing has been used and how its use has evolved in desertification studies, adding where this topic has been studied, the different methods and variables. Exists an accord, or general tendency, in the methods used and which are the variables used to study and determine the presence or risk of desertification?

Professor Jane Hart – Landscape dynamics and Ecology, School of Geography and Environmental Science

Title: Subglacial hydrology associated with soft bedded glaciers

The response of glaciers to climate change is very dependent of the interaction of subglacial hydrology and till deformation. This is important since models of glacier melt, and related sea level rise are every dependent on the ‘slipperiness’ of the bed. Most models of glacial hydrology are based on glaciers dominated by rigid beds. However, there is increasing data about the nature of soft unconsolidated beds, which are dominated by wide anastomosing broad flat channels, canals, macroporous films and porous flow through the till. I will describe the innovative techniques (wireless in situ probes and web connected RTK GPS) we have used to demonstrate the seasonal patterns associated with a range of soft bedded glaciers from Iceland. I will also introduce future research in this area, including the use of UAV’s for sensor emplacement.

Speakers Information

Daniela Rivera-Marin - Postgraduate Research Student within Geography and Environmental Science at the University of Southampton

Professor Jane Hart – Professor in Geography within Geography and Environmental Science at the University of Southampton

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