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The University of Southampton
Geography and Environmental Science Postgraduate study

Adam Dales MSc in Applied Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing2013

Adam Dales's Photo

Hi, I'm Adam Dales and I studied MSc in Applied Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing within Geography and Environmental Science at the University of Southampton.

This University has some of the most highly regarded academics in GIS and Remote Sensing allowing me to develop the relevant knowledge and skills for professional work in the future.

Why did you choose this programme?

I have had an interest in GIS and Remote Sensing since being introduced to them in my undergraduate Geography degree. This University has some of the most highly regarded academics in GIS and Remote Sensing allowing me to develop the relevant knowledge and skills for professional work in the future. The Geography department also has strong links with industrial companies which meant I was able to secure a placement to carry out my summer research project.

How long did it take you to settle in at Southampton?

This is my fourth year at the University of Southampton as I also did an undergraduate degree in Geography. When I first came to the University I found it very welcoming as the department provided dedicated personal tutors and student ‘buddies’ who we could go to if we had any problems. When I started my Masters degree we were taken on social events such as a trip to a local restaurant allowing us to get to know our new course mates and lecturers.

What support did you receive?

The department has provided my course with a dedicated computer room within the Geography building. These computers have been tailored to meet our needs with all the relevant software and processing power. We also have access to various laboratories such as the field spectrometry laboratory where we carried out a lot of our remote sensing work.

The support we have received on this course has been above what I expected. All of the lecturers are always interested in the work I have been doing and they have been very approachable if I ever had a problem.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

GIS and Remote Sensing and highly relevant skills to have in terms of employment as companies are discovering the potential of them to solve problems and develop new ways of doing things.

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