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The University of Southampton
Geography and Environmental Science Postgraduate study

Eric Otoo GIS and Remote Sensing, 2013

Principal at RicO Geo Consult

Eric Otoo's Photo

Hi, I'm Eric Otoo and I studied GIS and Remote Sensing within Geography and Environmental Science at the University of Southampton.

State of the art computer laboratories coupled with practicals and theoretical classes easily facilitate student understanding of the course.

Why did you choose this programme?
I had always harboured the idea of pursuing a career in the Petroleum Industry. Having already undertaken Geomatic Engineering at undergraduate level, I decided to specialise in an area readily needed in the Petroleum industry. Having been introduced to Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing, at the undergraduate level, I decided to increase my knowledge in this field which is readily needed in the oil industry.

The University of Southampton was my preferred University because it is highly recognised for its achievements in the Environmental Sciences and are one of the best universities in the UK that handles GIS and remote sensing according to UK rankings.

What facilities/ support did you receive?
The facilities and services, such as ways to search for literature online and at the library, provided by the school greatly helped me.
Furthermore, state of the art computer laboratories coupled with practicals and theoretical classes easily facilitate student understanding of the course. Culturally, I am amazed at how the lecturers relate with the students. Lecturers are very welcoming, patient and always willing to impart knowledge to students.

Do you have any advice for future students?
My advice to potential applicants, especially those coming from overseas is that, they should manage their time effectively and never fail to consult either colleagues or lecturers about anything they may not understand.

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