A tale of two glaciers: using web connected RTK GPS, drones and remote sensing to monitor rapid glacier retreat of two contrasting Icelandic glaciers.
Landscape Dynamics and Ecology (LDE)
ADVANCES (ADVancing Analysis of Natural Capital in LandscapE DecisionS)
Environmental Change and Sustainability (ECaS)
Agricultural Implications for Ecosystem Based Adaptation (EBA) to Climate Change in Steppe Ecosystems
Environmental Change and Sustainability (ECaS)
An assessment of the ecosystem service and livelihood implications of government development proposals in coastal Bangladesh
Environmental Change and Sustainability (ECaS)
Bio Energy Technology Assessment - Environmental Burden Minimisation (BETA-EBM)
Centre for Environmental Sciences
BLUEcoast: coastal sediment budgets and their role in coastal recovery
Landscape Dynamics and Ecology (LDE)
BRAgS - Building Resilient Agricultural Systems: sustainable livelihoods in Mega-Deltas under environmental change (GCRF/BBSRC)
Environmental Change and Sustainability (ECaS)
Care theme
Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)
Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)
Channel Coastal Observatory (the National Network of Regional Coastal Monitoring Programmes)
Coarse Sediment Transport Measurement in Rivers and on Coasts Using Advanced Particle Tracing
Landscape Dynamics and Ecology (LDE)
Conservation farming
Centre for Environmental Sciences
Deltas, Vulnerability & Climate Change: Migration & Adaptation
Environmental Change and Sustainability (ECaS)
Landscape Dynamics and Ecology (LDE)
Ecological and Behavioural Aspects of Flora and Fauna in Relation to the Conservation Grade Approach in Agriculture
Environmental Change and Sustainability (ECaS)
Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alliviation in Deltas
Environmental Change and Sustainability (ECaS)
El Nino's, volcanoes and human colonisation in the South Pacific
Landscape Dynamics and Ecology (LDE)
Enhancing Understanding of Domestic Groundwater Quality and Contamination Hazards in Greater Accra
Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)
Environmental and ancient sedimentary DNA at archaeological sites in Alaska (EAGER)
Landscape Dynamics and Ecology (LDE)
Environmental Sensor Networks
Landscape Dynamics and Ecology (LDE)
Estimating Health Census Geographies: Using Synthetic Estimation with Secondary Survey and Census Data
Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)
Estimating past methane emissions from Alaskan lakes (METHANOL)
Landscape Dynamics and Ecology (LDE)
Evaluating the potential of EO data to estimate wheat crop yield gap in North Central Plain of China
Environmental Change and Sustainability (ECaS)
Evaluation, control and Mitigation of the EnviRonmental impacts of shippinG Emissions
Environmental Change and Sustainability (ECaS)
Expert support Lab : The Sentinel-3 Mission Performance Center
Environmental Change and Sustainability (ECaS)
Fiducial Reference Measurements for Vegetation (FRM4VEG)
Environmental Change and Sustainability (ECaS)
FIre Radiative powEr Intercomparison & Emissions estimation (FIREsIdE)
Environmental Change and Sustainability (ECaS)
Grain Shape Analysis
Earth Surface Dynamics
GRID3 (Geo-Referenced Infrastructure and Demographic Data for Development)
Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)
GridSample: A user-friendly tool to generate household survey sampling units in complex settings
Ground Based Observations for Validation of Copernicus Global Land Products (GBOV)
Environmental Change and Sustainability (ECaS)
Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)
High resolution global mapping of women of childbearing age, pregnancies and births for Zika burden estimation
Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)
Holocene Land-Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions on the Eastern Seaboard of North America (PRECIP)
Landscape Dynamics and Ecology (LDE)
Improving recycling in high-density housing
Centre for Environmental Sciences
Waste Management
Improving the environmental performance of business and industry
Centre for Environmental Sciences,
Waste Management
Indigenous fruit products and their derivatives: preserving safety and nutritional content
Centre for Environmental Sciences
Integrating poverty and environment measures
Environmental Change and Sustainability (ECaS)
Intermediation, place and value creation: Exploring the processes and spaces of ‘curation’
Economy, Society and Governance
Learning to Live with Risk and Responsibility: Understanding Popular Responses to COVID-19.
Economy, Society and Governance
Malaria Eliminations - Mobility and Connectivity Mapping (Years 1-4)
Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)
Manufacturing renaissance in industrial regions? Investigating the potential of advanced manufacturing for sectoral and spatial rebalancing
Economy, Society and Governance
Mapping gender-disaggregated migration movements at subnational scales in and between low- and middle-income countries
Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)
Mapping seasonal denominator dynamics in low and middle income settings (Seasonality)
Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)
Mapping Zero-Dose Populations: conflict, remote, rural, urban poor (Zero Dose)
Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)
MAUPP (Modelling and forecasting African Urban Population Patterns)
Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)
MERIS Extended Validation and Exploratory Approach for High Resolution Optical Sensor
Environmental Change and Sustainability (ECaS)
Monitoring Outbreak events for Disease surveillance in a data science context
Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)
National Centre for Research Methods
Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)
Novel Bayesian Time Series Regression Methods For Estimating National Immunization Coverage
Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)
Nuclear Families
Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)
OneHealthWater: Drinking-water under a “One Health” lens - quantifying microbial contamination pathways between livestock and drinking-water
Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)
Opportunities and trade-offs between the SDGs for food, welfare and the environment in deltas
Environmental Change and Sustainability (ECaS)
P4GES: Can paying for global ecosystem services reduce poverty?
Centre for Environmental Sciences
Palaeoclimate reconstructions from Tierra del Fuego to detect land-ocean-atmosphere interactions (PATAGON).
Landscape Dynamics and Ecology (LDE)
PATCheS: how does the development of particle scale structure control river scale morphology?
Landscape Dynamics and Ecology (LDE)
Pathways of resilience to future storms
Environmental Change and Sustainability (ECaS)
Phosphorus in the perennial headwaters of chalk streams
Centre for Environmental Sciences
Water and Environmental Engineering Group
Popular understandings of politics in Britain, 1937-2014
Economy, Society and Governance
Population Health theme
Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)
Population24/7: Space–Time Specific Population Surface Modelling
Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)
Environmental Change and Sustainability (ECaS)
PowerTower: Using Earth Observation Data to Optimise Cell Tower Placement and Power for Rural Communities
Environmental Change and Sustainability (ECaS)
Predicting and mitigating small fluctuations in station dwell times
Preferences and trade-offs in climate smart agriculture
Global Environmental Change and Earth Observation
Producing Proximities: Town Twinning in Britain Since 1945
Economy, Society and Governance
Promoting corporate environmental improvement and sustainable investment
Centre for Environmental Sciences
Waste Management
Quantifying and Understanding the Earth System
Palaeoenvironmental Laboratory at the University of Southampton (PLUS)
Quantifying features of thermokarst lakes in the Yakutsk region
Landscape Dynamics and Ecology (LDE)
Quantifying the impact of urbanisation and climate change on the microclimate of Bhubaneswar
Environmental Change and Sustainability (ECaS)
Reclaiming social care: Adults with learning disabilities seizing opportunities in the shift from day services to community lives
Research Infrastructure Support to Flowminder Foundation
ReStore-Sustaining Online Resources
Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)
Reuse and recycling of bulky wastes
Centre for Environmental Sciences
Waste Management
RSSB Data Sandbox+ Project: IntelliDwellTime
Environmental Change and Sustainability (ECaS)
Seasonal drivers of human movement and aggregation in a changing climate: consequences for infectious disease dynamics and control
Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)
Sediment Transport and Erosion in Large Alluvial Rivers – Source to Sink (STELAR-S2S)
Landscape Dynamics and Ecology (LDE)
Slow Onset Hazard Interactions with Enhanced Drought and Flood Extremes in an At-Risk Mega-Delta
Landscape Dynamics and Ecology (LDE)
Socio-ecological and food security future scenario development with policy makers
Environmental Change and Sustainability (ECaS)
Spatial Population Analysis and Modelling theme
Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)
Structural Transformation, Adaptability and City Economic Evolutions
Economy, Society and Governance
Sustainable resource management in households
Centre for Environmental Sciences,
Waste Management
Sustaining groundwater safety in peri-urban areas
Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)
Technologies for bioprocessing organic urban wastes
Centre for Environmental Sciences
Waste Management
Teleconnected SARgassum risks across the Atlantic: building capacity for TRansformational Adaptation in the Caribbean and West Africa (SARTRAC)
Environmental Change and Sustainability (ECaS)
The Application of an Integrated Assessment Model (IAM) to Waterlogging in South West Bangladesh
Environmental Change and Sustainability (ECaS)
The impact of tide gates on fish migration
Centre for Environmental Sciences
Water and Environmental Engineering Group
Energy and Climate Change
The people of 1381 (Peasants Revolt)
The role of lakes in the arctic carbon cycle (LAC) (NERC funded)
Landscape Dynamics and Ecology (LDE)
The Wessex FRIEND Toolbox (Family Risk IdEntificatioN and Decision)
Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)
Thermokarst Lake Dynamics in the Arctic
Landscape Dynamics and Ecology (LDE)
UK Data Service
Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)
Urban Drinking Water and Health Outcomes - Early Phase Study for a Randomized Controlled Trial in Accra, Ghana
Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)
Use of novel modeling approaches to improve measles and rubella vaccination strategies (VaxPop)
Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)
Using Internet of Things technology to aid in Earth and Environmental Science Research
Landscape Dynamics and Ecology (LDE)
Viet nam: Slow onset hazard interactions with enhanced drought and flood extremes in an at-risk mega-delta
Waves of colonization in and out of the Sea of Moyle: population history, resilience and landscape change of island communities
Landscape Dynamics and Ecology (LDE)
Workplace Zones
Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)
Zero waste in industrial networks – the ZeroWIN Project
Centre for Environmental Sciences
Waste Management