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The University of Southampton
Geography and Environmental Science

Research project: Agricultural Implications for Ecosystem Based Adaptation (EBA) to Climate Change in Steppe Ecosystems - Dormant

Currently Active:

This work develops a repeatable process to identify and characterise Socio-Ecological Systems (SES) and their livelihood components, with a focus on the impacts of drought on rural livelihoods in the Steppe region of Central Turkey.

Start date: 01/09/2016

End date: 31/08/2018

This work considers the characterisation of the steppe ecosystems and undertakes a sector review based on the principles of applying ecosystem based approaches to climate change adaptation, and primarily through climate smart agricultural approaches. This is based on the principal that ecosystem-based approaches (EbA) include activities and interventions that support and enhance ecosystem good and services. The project takes a multi-scalar approach and considers the steppe ecosystems (both present, degraded and modified elements) within Turkey, within Konya province and the scope of specific adaptations and assessments of vulnerability within two pilot districts (Ilgin and Kadinhani) as a basis for a methodology framework and workflow that will allow future extension of the approaches to other areas within the steppe ecosystems. It considers the ecosystem goods and services relevant to the implementation.

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