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The University of Southampton
Geography and Environmental Science

Research project: Mapping Zero-Dose Populations: conflict, remote, rural, urban poor (Zero Dose)

Currently Active:

To map marginalized populations so that evidence-based policies can be developed to overcome inequitable access to immunizations.

Start date: 27/09/2019
End date: 30/06/2020

Identifying and quantifying key populations at risk of non-vaccination in low and middle-income countries: Initial rapid analyses to provide data and visualizations for Gavi on locations and characteristics of children in key geographic/demographic groups of interest.

Identifying and quantifying key populations at risk of non-vaccination in low and middle-income countries: Refined analyses to provide a report, data and visualizations on locations and characteristics of zero-dose (dtp1, dtp3, mcv) children.

High resolution mapping of zero-dose children and analyses of associated risk factors in high priority low and middle income countries: Report and high spatial resolution datasets on the locations and characteristics of zero-dose populations for 10 key countries of interest (to be decided through discussions with Gates Foundation and Gavi staff).

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