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Geography and Environmental Science
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Dr Julian Leyland

Associate Professor in Physical Geography, Director of Resources and Infrastructure,Director of ES@S facility

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Dr Julian Leyland is a Associate Professor in Physical Geography within Geography and Environmental Science at the University of Southampton.

He is the director of the Environmental Sensing @ Southampton (ES@S) facility.

Web of Science Researcher ID: Researcher ID:  J-4738-2012

I received my undergraduate degree in Geography from the University of Southampton in 2004 and my PhD in January 2009.


2018 - present: Associate Professor in Physical Geography, University of Southampton

2012 - 2018: Lecturer in Physical Geography, University of Southampton

2011 - 2012: RCUK Academic Fellow, University of Southampton

2009 - 2011: Geocomputational Specialist, University of Southampton

Research interests

Julian’s research interests centre on understanding how geomorphic systems respond to environmental change, using process-form monitoring and modelling approaches. He is an expert in the collection, analysis and interpretation of high resolution morphological and process data, in particular through the use of terrestrial and mobile laser scanning, multi-beam echo sounding and the use of flow monitoring equipment (managed through the Environmental Sensing @Southampton facility which he directs). He makes use of unmanned and autonomous platforms, including aerial and surface water assets, to deploy sensor systems and is a steering committee member of the Autonomous Systems group . He also has extensive expertise in physical modelling, including experiments seeking to quantify vegetation, bank and grain roughness. He has developed novel analyses for estimating roughness components of geomorphic surfaces (e.g. river banks/beds, vegetated floodplains and debris dams) to inform flow routing, flooding and mechanisms of erosion."

Recent and current NERC and EPSRC funded research includes:

Particle Arrangement to Channel Shape (PATCheS)

Improving our understanding of processes controlling the dynamics of our coastal systems (BLUEcoast)

Sediment Transfer and Erosion on Large Alluvial Rivers Source to Sink (STELAR-S2S)

Human visual perception systems - The SYNS dataset

Research group

Earth Surface Dynamics

Affiliate research group

Landscape Dynamics and Ecology (LDE)

Research project(s)

Impacts of Climate and Sea-Level Change on Coastal Gullies

Sediment Transport and Erosion in Large Alluvial Rivers – Source to Sink (STELAR-S2S)

STELAR-S2S is a multi-institutional project, led by Geography and Environment at the University of Southampton. The project is developing new insights into the way large rivers interact with climate to modulate sediment transfer from source to their sinks zones (e.g. in deltas). This requires detailed understanding of the role of bank erosion, floodplain sedimentation and climatic fluctuations on sediment delivery and storage.

Temporal Evolution of Roughness in Eroding River Banks

Re-constructing Past Environmental Conditions Using Landscape Evolution Models

Physical and biological dynamic coastal processes and their role in coastal recovery (BLUEcoast)

BLUEcoast: coastal sediment budgets and their role in coastal recovery

PATCheS: how does the development of particle scale structure control river scale morphology?

Director of Resources and Infrastructure and member of Geography AUMG, Director of ES@S facility.

Dr Julian Leyland
Building 44 University of Southampton University Road Southampton SO17 1BJ

Room Number : 44/2076

Dr Julian Leyland's personal home page
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