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The University of Southampton
Geography and Environmental Science
(023) 8059 2489

Prof Paul Hughes

Professor of Palaeoecology, Director of Graduate School

Prof Paul Hughes's photo

Paul Hughes is Professor of Palaeoecology and a member of the Palaeoecology Laboratory, University of Southampton (PLUS). He has worked at Southampton since 1998.


1997 Ph.D. Palaeoecology, University of Southampton
1993 B.Sc. Geography, University of Southampton


1998 – present Academic, Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton
1997 – 1998 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Environmental Archaeology Unit, York
1997 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Geography, University of Durham

Research interests

  • Holocene palaeoclimates with a special focus on Atlantic Canada and Patagonia
  • Tephrochronology of North America
  • Carbon accumulation in peatlands
  • Palaeoecological change on damaged and intact Atlantic raised bogs and fens

Research projects

  • Holocene palaeoclimatic change in the Atlantic provinces of Canada and Maine, USA.
  • Holocene palaeoclimate of Japan
  • Assessing bog condition using remote sensing techniques
  • Fire history of early-Holocene Britain
  • Holocene palaeoclimates of Hokkaido: developing a temporal moisture balance model from raised peat for comparison with equivalent Atlantic records (NERC award)
  • Deriving high-resolution palaeoclimatic records from raised bogs in Newfoundland (NERC award)

Research group

Landscape Dynamics and Ecology (LDE)

Research project(s)

Holocene Land-Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions on the Eastern Seaboard of North America (PRECIP)

Palaeoclimate reconstructions from Tierra del Fuego to detect land-ocean-atmosphere interactions (PATAGON).

Plant-Microbe interactions in a changing climate

Director of the Graduate School

Deputy Director of the Faculty Graduate School

Faculty Representative for the SPITFIRE Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP)

Prof Paul Hughes
University of Southampton University Road Southampton SO17 1BJ

Telephone extension = 22489

Room Number : 44/2032

Facsimile: (023) 8059 3295

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