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The University of Southampton
Geography and Environmental Science Undergraduate study

Environmental Consultant

With climate change and environmental issues constantly in the headlines, jobs in environmental sectors are increasing in number. Environmental consultants work for commercial or governmental organisations to assist where environmental concerns and legislation need to be considered.

Typical work activities

This role can cover a wide range of disciplines; working with air, land and water on impact assessments, audits and policy. Work tends to be based around desk based research of an area followed by fieldwork and an assessment to determine if an area is contaminated and if it is likely to have an effect on a receptor (such as humans).

The field work may involve working long hours and staying away from home for short periods.

Interested in working as an environmental consultant?

Qualifications and work experience

More information

The prospects wesbite has more information about this career path.

The Careers and Employability Service has more resources to help you with your careers search.

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