Professor Melissa Steyn will be a Diamond Jubilee International Visiting Fellow at the University of Southampton from 2014 to 2017.
Visiting Fellow and Host
Professor Melissa Steyn, South African National Research Chair in Critical Diversity Studies; Director of the Wits Centre for Diversity Studies (WiCDS), University of Witwatersrand
Professor Pauline Leonard, Professor of Sociology and Chair of ESRC Doctoral Training Centre, Co-Director of the Work Futures University Strategic Research Group
Aims of the collaboration
To explore synergies for postgraduate collaboration and training, and in particular developing doctoral researcher and Early Career Researcher capacity.
Joint research project on changing work contexts in South Africa.
Exploration of changing work contexts across a range of BRICS countries.
Fellowship activities in 2015
First Fellowship visit to Southampton, January 2015
Social Sciences Distinguished Lecture: ‘Apartheid supporters and other extinct species’
Link to the lecture
Fellowship activities in 2016
Next visit expected April 2016. Proposed activities include: public lecture on Critical Diversity Framework, collaborative research discussions related to BRICS countries, masterclasses and supervisory sessions with PhD students, development of funding proposals.