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The University of Southampton
University of Southampton Global Health Research Institute

Towards a Global Health Research Institute at the University of Southampton Event

Population Health
global health
13:00 - 17:15
16 October 2014
Turner Sims Concert Hall University of Southampton Highfield Campus Highfield Southampton SO17 1BJ

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Event details

Is your research linked to global health issues? Then you may want to stay in touch with developments arising from this half day conference at Turner Sims (details below). The event attracted 150 people and was held from 13.00 – 17.00 on Thursday 16th October. It more than succeeded in its aim of letting researchers at the University of Southampton know what is happening as plans are set in motion to develop a Global Health Research Institute. The many researchers and others who attended, learned something of the sheer range of leading research currently going on at the university in this sphere. There was an enthusiastic sharing of ideas during the networking opportunities, and the Vice Chancellor, who attended for the final session, expressed his support for the initiative in his closing remarks.

The presentations provided an overview of ongoing research in this area at the University and the event was introduced by Professor Judith Petts, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Research, University of Southampton.

The event was free but attendees Registered attendance here to allow us to gauge the catering:-


13.00-13.30 - Lunch and an opportunity to network and exchange ideas

13.30-13.40 - Professor Judith Petts: Introduction

13.40-14.00 –Professor Marie-Louise Newell: ‘A Global Health Research Institute at the University of Southampton’

Vignettes of ongoing work at UoS with a Global Health Research focus

14.00-14.15 – Professor Nuala McGrath: ‘Couple-focused interventions for HIV prevention in sub- Saharan Africa’

14.15-14.30 – Dr. Paul Elkington: ‘Tuberculosis: developing new diagnostic tests and treatments’

14.30-14.45 – Dr Andy Tatem: ‘Mapping Population and Pathogen mobility’

14.45-15.00 – Dr John Coggon: ‘Bringing Ethics to Governance for Global Health’

15.00-15.30 -  Tea and biscuits with an opportunity to network

15.30-17.00 – Panel discussion

Panel discussion with Professor Caroline Fall, Faculty of Medicine; Professor Mark Hanson, Faculty of Medicine; Professor Maria Evandrou, Faculty of Social, Human and Mathematical Sciences; Professor Sabu Padmadas, Faculty of Social, Human and Mathematical Sciences; Professor Nyovani Madise, Faculty of Social, Human and Mathematical Sciences; Professor Graham Moon, Faculty of Social, Human and Mathematical Sciences; Professor Sally Brailsford, Faculty of Business, Law and Art, Professor Carl May, Faculty of Health Sciences.

17.00-17.15 - Professor Don Nutbeam: closing remarks

Inequalities in later life, in incomes and in health and social care, affect older people globally
An ageing population
The Lancet: Global Health
The Lancet: Global Health

Speaker information

Professor Marie-Louise Newell,Professor of Global Health (Faculties of Medicine and Social, Human and Mathematical Sciences), University of Southampton

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