As part of the Great War event series a 'Question Time' style event is planned for 1st November 2018.
A panel of experts will answer questions from the audience. The members of the panel are:
Adrian Smith
Emeritus Professor of Modern History
Specialist field: Britain, France and the Western Front; the British empire; technology and arms in war.
Neil Gregor
Professor of Modern European History
Specialist field: Impact of the war on Germany; the memory and remembrance of the war; political radicalization in interwar Europe.
Mike Hammond
Associate Professor of Film
Specialist field: film and war; USA memory and the war; music on the Western Front.
Claire Le Foll
Associate Professor of East European Jewish History and Culture
Specialist field: Eastern Europe: violence, art and culture; Russian Revolution; Jews and minority groups; migration.
Sarah Pearce
Dean of the School of Humanities.
Questions for the panel
You can submit any questions you have for the panel's consideration via our survey here .
To sign up for this event here .