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The University of Southampton
Haemoglobin After inTraCranial Haemorrhage (HATCH) Consortium

News and events


8-9th June 2017: Founding HATCH Consortium meeting, Winchester, UK

30th September - 3rd October 2017: Meeting, Los Angeles, US

20th June 2018: Nature Reviews Neurology review published

4th August 2018: Professor JP Jeon, South Korea, joins the HATCH Consortium

19th December 2018: Dr William Tapper, Southampton, joins the HATCH Consortium

February 2019: Neurology paper published

25-28th June 2019: meeting at the 15th International Conference on Subarachnoid Hemorrhage ( ISAH 2019 ), Amsterdam, the Netherlands

June - October 2019: a number of investigators join the Consortium, bringing the total membership to 28 centres across 5 continents

4th - 5th November 2019: Zoom conference "GWAS of outcome after SAH"

June 2020: Ben Gaastra, HATCH consortium trainee, is awarded research fellowship (RCS/SBNS/Barrow)

March 2021: Zoom conference "GWAS of outcome after SAH: Protocol"

May 2021: Ben Gaastra, HATCH consortium trainee, is awarded research fellowship (Guarantors of Brain)

September 2021: Presentation of "GWAS of outcome after SAH" to ISGC

November 2021: Presentation of "GWAS of outcome after SAH" protocol to British Neurosurgical Research Group

December 2021: Presentation of "GWAS of outcome after SAH" protocol to ISGC

January 2022: Long-term cognitive outcome following SAH study published

January 2022: GWAS protocol published in Translational Stroke Research


Join us on the next Zoom conference on the 17th March 2022 to discuss the GWAS stage 1 results. An email with two times, to cater for time zone differences, will be sent to all investigators. For more details contact us here .

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