Professor Anne E Rogers SRN, BSc (Hons), MSc (Econ) Sociology Applied to Medicine, PHD ( Sociology & Social Policy); Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, Emeritus NIHR Senior Investigator
Emeritus Professor of Medical Sociology & Health Systems Implementation

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Anne is an Emeritus Professor of Medical Sociology and Health Systems Implementation and was made Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in 2012 and is an Emeritus NIHR Senior Investigator. An internationally recognised academic Anne spent her early research career working for the voluntary sector (MIND) and has spent more than thirty years working in Higher Education in London and Manchester before moving to Southampton in October 2012. In addition to research directorships and leading national and international programmes and centres of applied health Anne has been Chair of Lewisham & Southwark Community Health Council, and a non-executive director of an acute NHS Trust.
Relationships to others represent sources of support and access to resources. Relational interdependence is a form of collective power creating the foundations of a personal system of management for health and well -being.
Anne has expertise in qualitative & mixed methods and middle range social theory applied to health. She is a key contributor to developing nested process and qualitative studies for health policy and practice interventions related to the utilisation and demand for health services, managing mental health and long -term conditions, self -management support and social networks. She has published empirical, theoretical and methodological work including over 300 peer reviewed journal articles for clinical, sociological policy, public and practitioner audiences. She is the author of books on the sociology and policy analysis of mental health and its management including Demanding Patients? (open university press)Experiencing Psychiatry: users views of services (Springer) Mental health & Inequalities, Mental Health Policy in Britain: (Macmillan) and has recently been pre-occupied with preparing the 6th Edition of the BMA book of the year prize winner and popular A Sociology of Mental Health & Illness (McGraw Hill) due for publication in 2021. Her current writing project is a book with the working title of Living with Inequalities to be published by Routledge in 2022.
Anne’s has recently led national and international programmes of work focussing on understanding and using knowledge about community based personal connections and ties for mobilising and accessing resources for establishing new health care practices to manage everyday life.
She is involved in the current research projects :
- Social Connectedness and Long-Term Conditions: Generating new knowledge about the social factors shaping the experience of loneliness for people living with long-term health conditions. (Australian Research Council)
- The Project About Loneliness and Social networks (PALS) ( Funded by the NIHR Public Health Programme)
- Social connectivity and the role of weak ties, pets and inanimate objects in the daily management of mental health and everyday life .
- Co-Adaptation of a Social Network Intervention to Support Recovery for People living with Severe Mental Illness (ConNEct) (NIHR RFPB)