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The University of Southampton
Health Sciences
(023) 8059 5917

Ms Francesca Lambert CertHE

Project Co-ordinator for NIHR Workforce research

Ms Francesca Lambert's photo

Francesca is a Project Co-ordinator for NIHR Workforce research, MRes in Clinical and Health Research, Patient & Public Involvement Facilitator and guest lecturer.

Research interests

Patient and Public Involvement; Workforce; Frailty

Research group

Health Work and Systems

Research project(s)

Consequences, costs and cost-effectiveness of different workforce configurations in English acute hospitals: a longitudinal retrospective study using routinely collected data

This study seeks to understand how variation in the size and make-up of care teams on hospital wards in England influences patient outcomes and the costs of care.

Project co-ordinator for NIHR HS&DR Workforce studies; NIHR MRes in Clinical and Health Research; guest lecturer for MRes and HMPR programmes
Lectures and seminars on Patient and Public Involvement.
Ms Francesca Lambert
Health Sciences, Student Office, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton. SO17 1BJ

Room Number : 67/3003

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