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The University of Southampton
Health Sciences

Dr Susi Lund PhD, MA, RGN, DN cert

Visiting research fellow, NIHR SSCR Fellow

Dr Susi Lund's photo

Susi is a Nurse Consultant and has over 20 years experience working in palliative and end of life care.

I am committed to research that is relevant and responds to the needs of patients and their relatives and ensuring that this can be implemented in clinical practice leading to improved outcomes for patients

She has been a research fellow for the past 4 years alongside her clinical career. She also has substantial educational experience particularly in the field of communication skills.

Research interests

  • Palliative and end of life care. Qualitative methods,
  • Service user and research with minority groups

Susi is a Research Fellow for the Complexity, Patient Experience and Organisational Behaviour theme of the NIHR Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care ( CLAHRC Wessex ). The Complexity theme focuses on people with complex life-limiting conditions, and their families, who are at risk of deteriorating health, face clinical uncertainty and may be approaching end of life. Our work programme is committed to improving patient and carers’ experience by understanding and explaining this complexity, and developing interventions that minimise the workload of managing their condition, and ensure more effective navigation and utilisation of healthcare services. Susi’s main focus is on the programme of work: Making shared decisions about treatment: Protocol for the development, implementation and evaluation of Treatment Escalation Plans (TEPs) as a mechanism for communication as end of life approaches

Susi is also an NIHR SSCR fellow collaborating on a project entitled ‘Supporting family caregivers in the transition between hospital and their relative’s preferred place for end of life care.

Research group

Complex Healthcare Processes

PhD supervisor

Dr Susi Lund
Health Sciences Student Office University of Southampton Highfield Southampton SO17 1BJ

Room Number : 67/3003

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