News Round Up
A summary of the latest news and intelligence from around the Faculty.
Congratulations to David Ferguson, Consultant Nurse (Learning Disabilities) for the Southern Health Trust and Academic Practitioner to the Faculty, has been awarded an MBE for services to Nursing in the Queen's New Year's Honours.
Senior lecturer in Public Health, Dr Matthew Hankins, was one of a group of researchers across a number of Universities which found that smokers who successfully quit feel less anxious afterwards - despite a widely held belief that smoking relieves stress and giving up makes you feel more on edge.
The paper was published in this week's British Journal of Psychiatry and has since been reported by the Daily Mail , BBC and the Daily Echo .
Three pre-registration MSc Physiotherapy students: Maria Wang; Lucy Jones and Alison Wilson; have all had their research work accepted for presentation at the British Society of Rheumatology/British Health Professionals in Rheumatology Annual conference in Birmingham this year.
It's a real privilege to have their work accepted by a rigorous peer review process and to be deemed of a high enough standard to present nationally.
The London Press Service has reported on the work being undertaken by academics from Health Sciences and Electronic and Computer Science students.
Our researchers, led by Dr Cheryl Metcalf, are using leading computer game technology to develop the world's first process that measures hand joint movement to help stroke patients recover agility.