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The University of Southampton
Health Sciences

News roundup

Published: 8 May 2013

A summary of the latest news and intelligence from around the Faculty.


Occupational therapy teams led by Dr Teresa Job, and international representatives from the University, have developed an innovative international exchange programme for OT students and staff in partnership with the prestigious Lund University in Sweden.

Scheduled to pilot later this year, the aim of the programme is to develop meaningful international collaborations between staff and students.


Congratulations to doctoral researcher, Emma Boger, who won a silver poster prize at the recent University-wide PG research conference.  Sue Latter and Sara Demain are co-authors of the poster titled:  'Stuck between expectation and hope: the experience of self-management following stroke.  A focus group study.'


Due to popular demand the Macmillan team has exceeded its recruitment target for the RESTORE exploratory trial for an online intervention to help people become more confident living with their cancer-related fatigue once treatment is over. The team has been working extremely hard to keep up with requests to take part!


Congratulations to senior research assistant Dr Kim Chivers Seymour who has been awarded her PhD following a successful viva and will be graduating in the July ceremonies.  Kim is part of the Macmillan Cancer Survivorship Group where she manages the CREW cohort study.


Dr Alejandra Recio Saucedo won best poster at the recent Central South Coast Cancer Network conference for the Research for Patient Benefit study to develop an online resource to support young women with breast cancer (<40 years) to make decisions about surgery.

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