Health Sciences students shine in health visiting and community-based care
With the recent Government mandate reiterating future skills shortages in community services the University of Southampton showcased the work of its current students on Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (SCPHN) programmes to interested visitors.
Key note speakers at the conference included Liz Taylor OBE, Senior Commissioning Manager for NHS Southampton City; and Professors Andrée Le May and John Gabbay, authors of ‘Practice-Based Evidence For Healthcare: Clinical Mindlines'.
The conference showcased some of the outstanding work that Health Sciences SCPHN students have achieved throughout the year. Students presented posters on their work, two of which were judged as overall winners and the key note speakers.
The two winners were Helen Starns, a student from the BSc SCPHN programme, for her poster ‘Are teenage peer supporters successful in increasing breastfeeding?' and Mel Dafters, a student from the PgDip on the SCPHN programme, for her poster ‘Promotion of childhood immunisation to travelling families'.
The conference was incredibly well attended with many visitors interested in becoming health visitors, school nurses, occupational health visitors or specialists in sexual health.
This is especially encouraging for many the Trusts and organisations that will need to meet future demands for more community-based services.
By training the next generation of SCPHN nurses Health Sciences' plans to develop innovative professionals who can make every contact count.
Dr Elizabeth Cluett, director of programmes for Faculty, Child and Psychosocial Health said: "We are very pleased to have been able to showcase the work of our students to such a good number of prospective students interested in training as SCPHN nurses.
"The current climate means that the NHS is under increasing pressure to ensure public health is at the core of all nursing activity and SCPHN practitioners are vital to achieving this."
Find out more about SCPHN training click here: undergraduate and postgraduate .