Health Sciences news roundup on 29th May 2014
A summary of the latest news and intelligence from around the Faculty.
Claire Foster can be spotted in a conference video short of ‘The Changing Prospects for Cancer: New models of aftercare for those living with and beyond cancer' which took place last month in Salford Quays, Manchester. Claire was invited onto the ‘panel of experts' in a discussion about changing cancer follow-up. Follow the continuing discussions at @TheChristieSoO #changingprospects.
A new book ‘Engagement and Therapeutic Communication in Mental Health Nursing' (Transforming Nursing Practice Series) has been published this month which explains the different communication theories and models and shows students how they work in the real world. The book is written by current and past Health Sciences staff and edited by senior teaching fellow Sandra Walker.
Welcome back to Ann-Marie Hughes who returned from the Northern Ireland Stroke Conference 2014 where she was a guest speaker. The conference, a joint partnership between NIMAST (Northern Ireland Multidisciplinary Association for Stroke Teams) and the UK Stroke Forum, took place in Belfast last week. Ann-Marie presented on ‘Users' perceptions of the barriers and opportunities for technologies in stroke rehabilitation'.
Health Sciences is to host a free evening seminar on the 25th June presented by Wendy Nicholson, Professional Officer for Community Nursing from the Department of Health, and co-presented by Crystal Oldman, CEO of the Queens Nursing Institute. The event will discuss ‘Community Nursing at the Heart of Integrated Care - Delivering the Vision!' For further information and to book click here .
Following last week's news of the 2014 Florence Nightingale Student Day which took place earlier in May, PG Dip Mental Health Nursing student Faye Powell also attended the event as a nominee to represent the Faculty. Faye joined midwifery student Jess Docking, nursing student Annette Welch and over 60 other students from across the UK at this annual commemoration event.
Finally...Jo Watson and Tracey Burgess shared the NHS Careers team annual Step into the NHS schools' competition with Tracey's son's local senior school, Hounsdown. Low and behold, a year 8 pupil from the school was named regional winner! The competition aims to raise awareness of the different careers available within healthcare and help students develop crucial job seeking skills. Jo and Tracey may well have just helped someone to identify their future in healthcare! Tracey has been invited to the school to present the winner with their award.