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The University of Southampton
Health Sciences

Health Sciences academics develop new Clinical Academic Careers Pathway Capability Framework in England

Published: 8 May 2014

The Association of UK University Hospitals (AUKUH) Clinical Academic Careers Group for Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health Professionals (NMAHPs) in England has launched a Clinical Academic Careers Pathway Capability Framework developed by University of Southampton academics Doctor Greta Westwood and Professor Alison Richardson.

The Framework sets out indicative role responsibilities including clinical and research capabilities with respect to early, mid and senior roles across the pathway. The document is designed not to be prescriptive, but to be used flexibly as individuals may enter the pathway at different clinical and academic levels, for example:

  • An individual in the early stage of a clinical career may be a mid or senior career researcher e.g. an experienced researcher who decides to return to clinical practice.
  • An individual in the early stage of a research career may be a senior clinician e.g. a nurse specialist/advanced practitioner who decides to undertake a doctoral programme.

It is intended that the Framework will be used alongside the Department of Health Strategy Document ‘ Developing the Role of the Clinical Academic Researcher in the Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions ' by NMAHPs and their managers to:

  • Guide personal development planning by highlighting training, educational and personal development needed to promote effective role implementation and clinical academic career progression.
  • Bring clarity to the role and therefore contribute towards maximising the impact of post holders.
  • Describe expected key skills and knowledge.
  • Understand the clinical and academic proportionality of the joint role.

Dr Greta Westwood (Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust and University of Southampton) and Professor Alison Richardson (University of Southampton and University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust) developed the Framework on behalf of the AUKUH NMAHP Clinical Academic Careers Group following a detailed consultation process with major stakeholders. It includes consultation feedback and is revised in diagrammatical format.

The Framework can be accessed here and more about it can be learned here .

Notes for editors

1. The Association of UK University Hospitals (AUKUH) is the key leadership body across the UK promoting the unique interests of UK University Hospital Trusts in the tripartite mission of service, teaching and research.

2. The AUKUH National Clinical Academic Careers Development Group for Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals was set up in July 2011 to lead the development and implementation of clinical academic careers. The group was initially established to advise on how to develop nursing and midwifery clinical academia, but has since expanded its scope to include the Allied Health Professions.

The group works in close partnership with the Departments of Health, and Health Education England, to deliver and contribute to the Department of Health NMAHP Clinical Academic Careers Strategy. Membership is drawn from across the health service and academia across the UK.

3. For more information regarding this press release or the work of the group, please contact Edward Knight, Communications and Website Officer, at or on 020 7419 5427.

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