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The University of Southampton
Health Sciences

Health Sciences news roundup

Published: 9 July 2015

Professor Mandy Fader and Dr Sandra Wilks were filmed by the BBC earlier in the year, and the resulting piece featured on last Saturday’s BBC One Breakfast news. Mandy was also interviewed over the weekend by BBC Radio 4, BBC Radio 3 and BBC Radio Five Live. A piece Mandy wrote on ‘rethinking the catheter’ has also been published on BBC news online ‘Scrubbing up’ section.

Congratulations to Professor Cathy Pope who has recently been elected to the Council of the Academy of Social Sciences . The announcement of Cathy’s election was made by the Academy’s Executive Director Stephen Anderson at the AGM in London last Thursday.


Congratulations to Professor Peter Griffiths and colleagues who have secured a grant of over £490,600 from the NIHR HS&DR funding stream to undertake a retrospective observational study using routinely collected data under the title: Nurse staffing levels, missed vital signs observations and mortality in hospital wards: modelling the consequences and costs of variations in nurse staffing and skill mix.


Following the successful RHT Research Group Discovery Day last week, local news broadcaster That’s Solent filmed at the event and ran a rolling news piece on its evening show on 3rd July. The piece will soon be able to view on YouTube here .


Dr Sara Demain, Dr Katherine Hunt and clinical academic student, Carolina Goncalves, along with colleagues in Portugal, have had a paper published on PLOS-One . The paper is titled: Living With, Managing and Minimising Treatment Burden in Long Term Conditions: A Systematic Review of Qualitative Research.


In conjunction with Humanities, Yvette Cox and Richard Wagland have developed a Masters with Integrated Preparatory Study program for international students wishing to study one of four Health Sciences’ MSc programs, who have the equivalent of a first degree at 2:2 or above, but do not meet the required English Language standard for our Master’s programs entry requirements, or who wish to improve their academic English, study and research skills before pursuing masters level study.

The Faculty of Health Sciences Masters with Integrated Preparatory Study program will commence in the next academic year (2015/16). For further information contact Yvette Cox:


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