Advance your major trauma expertise
Shape the development of major trauma care, from injury to rehabilitation, with our range of Continuing Personal and Professional Development (CPPD) modules.
Part of our exciting collaboration with the University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, these modules being delivered once in the 2017/18 academic year offer a fantastic opportunity to accelerate your trauma expertise by learning directly from leading clinical experts in the field at Southampton’s major trauma centre, one of 12 in England caring for both children and adults.
Modular in delivery, they focus around the needs of paramedics, nurses, doctors and allied health professionals with the aim of helping you to work in new and innovative ways by equipping you with the very latest knowledge and skills.
Our CPPD modules span major trauma care from point of injury through to rehabilitation including Fundamental Science in Major Trauma, Human Factors and Decision Making in Major Trauma Care, and Major Trauma in the Older Person.
To find out more and book your place visit