Ollie Shutler Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing - Mental Health, 2018
Second Year Student
Hi, I'm Ollie Shutler and I'm currently studying Mental Health Nursing at the University of Southampton.
I’m enjoying the variety of settings for practice placements. They have given me a perfect opportunity to learn outside of the lecture environment.
What made you select the University of Southampton for your postgraduate study? And how did you access initial information about your current course?
I selected the University of Southampton after looking for universities in my area that offered postgraduate study, and researching it’s evaluation amongst others in the university league tables. I accessed initial information via the University website and by speaking to admissions staff over the telephone.
Why did you decide to pursue postgraduate study?
I decided to pursue postgraduate study as I was never particularly sold by a career with my initial degree. The idea that I could still put my initial qualification to use but for a career I had genuine interest in was an exciting prospect.
What is Southampton like as a place to study?
Southampton is a large university with a range of opportunities both academically and there are lots of opportunities for extra-curricular activity. There is a range of facilities and resources to take advantage of, including: Hartley Library, the University gym and the Students’ Union.
What are you enjoying about the course?
I’m enjoying the variety of settings for practice placements. They have given me a perfect opportunity to learn outside of the lecture environment in addition to opening my eyes to a spectrum of potential employment opportunities.
Are there any modules that you are particularly enjoying?
So far the ‘Acute Care Needs’ module has been the module I’ve most enjoyed as it has given me an opportunity to learn about Care Needs across the branches of nursing and the age continuum.
Are you participating in any extra-curricular activities that have provided you skills that you have used during your course?
Due to travel commitments I have opted to not partake in any extra-curricular activities.
How useful have you found your clinical placements?
My clinical placements continue to be the favourite part of the course for me. I feel like I consolidate my learning best in practice and enjoy being able to engage in patient contact across a variety of different placements.
Do you have any plans for your future career?
As it stands I would like to work in a mental health inpatient unit upon graduating. However I’m aware that I still have 3 placements left which have the potential to identify further areas for employment.
What tips would you give to current students looking to join the University of Southampton? What could they be doing now to make themselves more employable when they graduate?
Get as much experience in healthcare settings as possible. I was appreciative of my prior experience working in hospitals which made the initial prospect of placements and study less daunting.
What advice would you give to a student starting their postgraduate study at Southampton?
There is a wealth of academic opportunities both on and off campus to get involved in if you want. I’d definitely recommend to prospective students gaining some experience in the field.
What are you most proud of?
Gaining my place on the Postgraduate course and maintaining a good level of study without a strong science based academic history. It just goes to show the importance of relevant experience and personal qualities.