1. Freeman, C. T., Hughes, A. M., Burridge, J. H., Chappell, P. H., Lewin, P. L. and Rogers, E. (2006) Iterative Learning Control as an Intervention Aid to Stroke Rehabilitation. In: UKACC Control 2006 Mini Symposium: InstMC Control Concepts in Healthcare and Rehabilitation, 31 August 2006, Glasgow, Scotland, UK. pp. 225-233.
2. Hughes, A. M., Burridge, J., Freeman, C., Chappell, P., Lewin, P. and Rogers, E. (2006) What is the current role of rehabilitation robots in upper limb post stroke therapy? In: 1st UK Stroke Forum Conference, 07 December 2006, Harrogate, UK.
3. Hughes, A. M., Freeman, C., Burridge, J., Chappell, P., Lewin, P. and Rogers, E. (2007) Can Iterative Learning Control (ILC) mediated by Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) be used in the re-education of upper limb function post stroke? In: International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society Conference, 10-14th November 2007, Philadelphia, USA .
4. Hughes, A. M., Freeman, C. T., Burridge, J. H., Chappell, P. H., Lewin, P. L. and Rogers, E. (2007) Can Iterative Learning Control be used in the Re-education of Upper Limb Function, Mediated by Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)? In: Progress in Motor Control VI, 9-12 August 2007, Santos, Brazil S217-S218..
5. Hughes, A. M., Burridge, J. H., Freeman, C., Chappell, P., Lewin, P. and Rogers, E. (2007) Can Iterative Learning Control Be Used In The Re-Education of Upper Limb Function, Mediated by Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)? In: The Future of Restorative Neuroscience in Stroke Rehabilitation, 24 - 26 September 2007, Windsor, UK.
6. Hughes, A. M., Burridge, J., Freeman, C., Chappell, P., Lewin, P. and Rogers, E. (2007) Can Iterative Learning Control be used in the Re-education of upper limb function? In: LSI Forum Conference, 15 March 2007, Southampton.
7. Freeman, C. T., Hughes, A. M., Burridge, J., Chappell, P. H., Lewin, P. L. and Rogers, E. (2007) An Experimental Facility using Functional Electrical Stimulation for Stroke Rehabilitation of the Upper Limb. In: 10th IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, 12 - 15 June 2007, Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
8. Hughes, A. M., Burridge, J., Freeman, C., Chappell, P., Lewin, P. and Rogers, E. (2008) Changes in upper limb isometric strength and error tracking following training using iterative learning control (ILC) mediated by functional electrical stimulation (FES). In: Annual Meeting of European Society For Movement Analysis For Adults and Children, 08-13 September 2008, Antalya, Turkey.
9. Freeman, C., Hughes, A. M., Burridge, J., Chappell, P., Lewin, P. and Rogers, E. (2008) Modelling of the Upper Limb Using Electrical Stimulation for Stroke Rehabilitation. In: 23rd IAR Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, 27-28 November 2008, Coventry University, UK. pp. 66-71
10. Hughes, A. M., Burridge, J., Freeman, C., Chappell, P., Lewin, P. and Rogers, E. (2008) Re-education of upper limb function post stroke, using Iterative Learning Control (ILC) mediated by Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES). In: 6th World Stroke Congress, Sept 24-27, Vienna, Austria. p. 343.
11. Freeman, C., Hughes, A. M., Burridge, J., Chappell, P., Lewin, P. and Rogers, E. (2009) Design and Control of an Upper Arm FES Workstation for Rehabilitation. In: 11th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, 23-26 June, Kyoto, Japan pp. 66-72
12. Freeman, C., Hughes, A. M., Burridge, J., Chappell, P., Lewin, P. and Rogers, E. (2009) An Upper Limb Model Using FES for Stroke Rehabilitation. In: European Control Conference 2009 - ECC’09, 23-26 August, 2009, Budapest, Hungary. pp. 3208-3213
13. Hughes, A. M., Freeman, C. T., Burridge, J. H., Chappell, P. H., Lewin, P. L. and Rogers, E. (2009) Upper Limb Rehabilitation of Stroke Participants using Electrical Stimulation: Changes in Tracking and EMG Timing (best paper prize). In: 11th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, 23-26 June, Kyoto, Japan. pp. 59-65.
14. Hughes, A. M., Freeman, C., Burridge, J., Chappell, P., Lewin, P. and Rogers, E. (2009) Clinical effectiveness and patient perceptions of an ILC mediated by ES system using a robotic workstation. In: XVIII European Stroke Conference, 26-29 May 2009, Stockholm, Sweden.
15. Burridge, J.H., Freeman, C.T., Hughes, A.M., Rogers, E., Lewin, P.L. and Chappell, P.H. (2010) Relationship between changes in tracking performance and timing and amplitude of biceps and triceps EMG following training in a planar arm robot in a sample of people with post-stroke hemiplegia. At XVIII Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, Aalborg, Denmark 16 - 19 Jun 2010