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The University of Southampton
Health Sciences Our research

Research project: A preliminary study into the reliability of breathing parameters measured using the LifeShirt® during the slow breathing technique - Dormant - Dormant

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Investigates the test-retest repeatability of breathing parameters measured using ambulatory respiratory inductive plethysmography (RIP) in 10 normal subjects during normal breathing and use of the slow breathing technique.Traditional measures of breathing variables have required laboratory based equipment and the use of mouthpieces or face-masks. Newer technology now permits these measures to be performed non-invasively via various instrumented garments. Although the use of such garments is increasing, there are few published data relating to their reliability or validity under different conditions. This preliminary study will look at the repeatability of the measures recorded by one such garment (the LifeShirt®) during normal breathing and during a technique known as slow breathing (often used by physiotherapists in the management of asthma and hyperventilation).

The main research questions are: What is the level of test-retest repeatability of breathing parameters recorded on two separate occasions?

Do any of the breathing parameters show any detectable change within individuals who have been instructed in slow breathing technique? Breathing pattern parameters will be measured by the LifeShirt® system (VivoLogic TM, VivoMetrics ®, Ventura, California). This consists of various sensors embedded in a sleeveless undergarment that can be worn comfortably for an extended period. The RIP sensors consist of a sinusoidal arrangement of electrical wires that are excited through an extremely low current, electrical oscillator circuit. One sensor is sewn into the shirt at the level of the rib cage (4th intercostal space) and one at the level of the umbilicus. The signals are written to removable memory in a handheld computer (VisorTM, Handspring Inc. California), and then analysed offline. From these signals, a variety of calibrated respiratory pattern measures are extracted such as minute ventilation, tidal volume, respiratory rate, fractional inspiratory time, peak inspiratory flow, thoraco-abdominal co-ordination, change in end-expiratory lung volume. Recordings from 10 healthy subjects will be made on two occasions 24-48 hours apart. Subjects will be taught the slow breathing technique on the second occasion and recordings taken while they perform the technique.

Project team

Bruton A , Lo WA

Project funder

MSc Research

The LifeShirt® system

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Active Living and Rehabilitation
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