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The University of Southampton
Human Resources

Grading and Development - Promotion for ERE staff

ERE career pathways

Promotion for Education, Research and Enterprise staff

The Promotion Website hosts all the relevant information you will need, whether you are a candidate applying for promotion/ in-level transfer of pathway or someone who is involved in administering the process.

The website also provides access to additional information about the University's Career Pathways , which will be used to assess cases for promotion or in-level transfer. In the future, a candidate's 'readiness for promotion' will form part of the appraisal conversation with their line manager. Guidance on Appraisal may also be found on the website.

This forms a part of the University's Reward Project, whose aim is to be competitive and flexible to recruit, reward, develop and retain academic talent. For you, this will mean a clear and transparent career pathway, enabling you to maximise your full potential and an effective framework that supports meaningful, two-way conversations about your progress, contribution and career development.

For the University this will mean a framework to invest in and develop world class staff that contribute to the University's strategic priorities and will result in a positive impact on staff morale, retention, engagement and performance.

If you have any queries relating to the promotion process or the website, please contact either your HR Business Partner or by email to

Concordat to support the career development of researchers

The Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers is an important national document that details the expectations and responsibilities of researchers, their managers, employers and funders.

It contains seven key principles and aligns with the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for their Recruitment.

The University is a signatory to the Concordat through Universities UK and is implementing the seven principles throughout the institution.

For details of what the University is doing for the Concordat, please visit the Concordat website .


ERE Appraisal

ERE Pathways

ERE Promotions

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