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The University of Southampton

Dr Sasha Mudd PhD

Senior Research Fellow

Dr Sasha Mudd's photo

Dr Sasha Mudd is a Senior Research Fellow in Philosophy at the University of Southampton.

Sasha completed a PhD on Kant under the supervision of Onora O'Neill at the University of Cambridge in 2011. Before studying the History and Philosophy of Science at Cambridge, she studied Divinity at the University of Chicago. She joined the Philosophy Department at the University of Southampton in 2011.

She is an affiliated member of the AHRC-funded project "Normativity: Epistemic and Practical" and holds a British Academy Newton Advanced Fellowship, through which she co-directs with Dr. Lucas Thorpe (Bogazici University) a project entitled: 'Agency and Autonomy: Kant and the Normative Foundations of Republican Self-Government.' Details of this project and further information on Sasha's research can be found under her 'Research' tab.

Office hours

Tuesday 12:00 - 13:00

Friday 13:00 - 14:00

Research interests

Sasha's primary research interest is in the philosopy of Immanuel Kant and its legacy, especially the problem of normativity and naturalism in the post-Kantian tradition. Within Kant's work, Sasha has focused on the relationship of practical to theoretical reason, Kant's so called 'unity of reason' thesis, and Kant's attempts to ground fundamental normative conclusions in his account of agency. She also explores Kantian approaches to contemporary topics: including the nature of practical reason, and the possibilityof a unified account of normativity. Her wider research interests include the Philosophy of History, the Philosophy of Psychoanalysis, and various issues at the interface fo the Philosophy of Mind and Action, especially concerning the emotions. She believes that appropriating and devloping the thought of eighteenth and nineteenth century philosophers is one of the best ways of gaining insight into contemporary philosophical problems.

As a British Academy Newton Advanced Fellow, Sasha co-directs wit Dr. Lucas Thorpe (Bogazici University) a project entitled: "Agency and Autonomy: Kant and the Normative Foundations of Republican Self-Government." The project investigates Kant's contributes to republican political philosophy in light of his understanding of autonomy and human agency.

Affiliate research groups

Ethics , History of Philosophy , Epistemology

Dr Sasha Mudd
Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Southampton, Avenue Campus, Southampton. SO17 1BF United Kingdom

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