Dr Sasha Mudd PhD
Senior Research Fellow
Dr Sasha Mudd is a Senior Research Fellow in Philosophy at the University of Southampton.
Sasha completed a PhD on Kant under the supervision of Onora O'Neill at the University of Cambridge in 2011. Before studying the History and Philosophy of Science at Cambridge, she studied Divinity at the University of Chicago. She joined the Philosophy Department at the University of Southampton in 2011.
She is an affiliated member of the AHRC-funded project "Normativity: Epistemic and Practical" and holds a British Academy Newton Advanced Fellowship, through which she co-directs with Dr. Lucas Thorpe (Bogazici University) a project entitled: 'Agency and Autonomy: Kant and the Normative Foundations of Republican Self-Government.' Details of this project and further information on Sasha's research can be found under her 'Research' tab.
Office hours
Tuesday 12:00 - 13:00
Friday 13:00 - 14:00