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The University of Southampton

Judeo-indigeneity & Abrahamic alterity: Intimate Maghrebi entanglements Seminar

11:00 - 12:00
25 April 2024
Highfield Campus, 85/2211

Event details

Samuel Sami Everett will focus on the notion of indigeneity, problematizing it in its relationship to Jewish life in the Maghreb (northern Africa) broadly and Algeria specifically, and understandings of that life now in diaspora.

The ethnographic material I will draw from revolves around poetic and musical cultural production of Judeo-indigeneity at the intergeneration between those born in North Africa and those born in Europe which is often shot-through with the anxiety of minoritization, or what I have termed Abrahamic alterity.

About the speaker

Samuel Sami Everett who goes by Sami is a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Southampton and the Iméra Institute for Advanced Study of Aix-Marseille University.

He is a cultural anthropologist and the co-editor of:

  • Jewish-Muslim Interaction: Performing Cultures between North Africa and France, with Rebekah Vince, Liverpool University Press (2020)
  • Jews and Muslims in Europe: Between Discourse and Experience , with Ben Gidley, Brill (2022)
  • a special issue on 'Decolonizing the metropolis: crisis and renewal', in Patterns of Prejudice (2024)
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