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The University of Southampton
Humanities Graduate School

MORPH 2015 Conference

MORPH2015 will be a one-day conference featuring oral and poster presentations in addition to an informal lunchtime discussion, where questions in the suitability of programs, application of certain programs, and any other questions pertaining to the field of archaeological morphometrics, can be addressed. Both archaeologists and non-archaeologists are welcome to attend MORPH2015.

On the 28th May 2015 the University of Southampton Department of Archaeology, through financial support from the Faculty of Humanities, will host MORPH2015: a one-day conference on the application of morphometric methods in archaeological analyses. Morphometrics can be best defined as a methodology or research framework which characterises form and quantifies morphological variation, and has long been used in studies such as evolutionary biology, ecology, genetics and orthodontics. Paradoxically, morphometrics is both a very old and brand new discipline. Whilst archaeologists have used the principles of morphometrics within aspects of faunal, skeletal and lithic analysis for decades archaeologists have been slow to adopt newer geometric-based morphometric frameworks for reasons including a) the cost and nature of specialised equipment, b) the lack of confidence in statistical analyses, and c) the “true meaning” of such results and their importance within archaeology.

This conference has three main aims. Firstly MORPH2015 will aim to provide a forum for researchers in all elements of archaeology, irrespective of experience and knowledge within the application of morphometrics. No other conference has discussed in detail the role morphometrics play within archaeological analyses, particularly newer methods (i.e. geometric-morphometrics). Secondly, the conference aims to highlight the diversity of morphometric methods and archaeological topics incorporating morphometrics including archaeobotany, lithic studies, zooarchaeological and human osteological studies, and archaeoacoustic studies, to name a few. Thirdly, the organisers of MORPH2015 wish for this platform to occur annually to facilitate the ever-changing nature of morphometrics.

Our introductory keynote speaker Professor Norman MaCleod (Natural History Museum, UK) is an international expert in the application of morphometrics with research projects in and outside of archaeology. Our closing speaker is currently being sought.

Abstracts invited for any topics/research associated with the implementation and use of traditional and/or geometric morphometric analyses within archaeology . Abstracts should be between 200-300 words and should be submitted before April 10th 2015 . Presentations should last fifteen minutes with a fifteen minute Q&A at the end of each session.

Spaces are limited to 200 people . People interested in registering should fill in the relevant form (see below) and send it to before 15th May 2015 .

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