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The University of Southampton
Humanities Graduate School

Finnegans Wake Reading Group

This multidisciplinary group reads Joyce’s Finnegans Wake in weekly sessions according to the order in which its episodes were composed between 1922 and 1939. The approach involves three selective reading cycles designed to familiarise readers with the most identifiable aspects of the text before engaging with its more complex dimensions as the academic year unfolds.

Wednesdays (term time), 5-6pm
Building 65 (Avenue Campus); Room 2103.

Contact : Paul Kelly

Recommended reading guides:

Crispi, L. & Slote, S., eds. (2007) How Joyce Wrote Finnegans Wake: A Chapter-by-Chapter Genetic Guide. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
Epstein, E. (2009) A Guide Through Finnegans Wake. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.
Glasheen, A. (1977) Third Census of Finnegans Wake. Berkeley: University of California Press.
McHugh, R. (1980) Annotations to Finnegans Wake. London: Routledge.
York Tindall, W. (1970) ‘Finnegans Wake’ in A Reader’s Guide to James Joyce. Hertford: Thames & Hudson.

Contact information

If you would like to set up your own reading group, please contact Prof. Andrea Reiter .

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