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The University of Southampton
Humanities Graduate School

Student Working Groups

In her role as Humanities Director of Graduate Studies, Eleanor Quince convenes student working groups who meet regularly over a set period of time to discuss improvements to graduate provision. These groups are usually set up in response to a need or concern raised through annual reports or the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES); and sometimes in order to determine how best to respond to external developments, for example changes in Research Council directives.

Over the past couple of years, we have set-up the following working groups:

Website Working Group - convened in 2012 to update and improve our existing web provision to make it more student centred.

Research Development Framework, report group - convened during 2010 and 2011 to assess the impact of the RDF; how can our training seminars reflect this?

Finance Working Group - convened in 2010 to consider how to improve the quality of the information that we offer; in response to PRES results.

Part-time PGR Group - begun in 2008 as a response to our growing number of part-time students to identify and respond to their needs

Contact information

If you would like to set up your own reading group, please contact Prof. Andrea Reiter .

Reading groups lead to fruitful discussions!
Discussions of a set text
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