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The University of Southampton
IBD Southampton research study


DNA helices

Your individual set of genes

We're interested in how your genes, and specific changes in some of those genes, could cause your IBD.

A genetic recipe book

DNA is a molecule in the shape of a twisted ladder, and acts as a recipe book for all living things, including us. The ladder is composed of four 'bases' (named A, G, T and C), which form a sequence that can be read.

Human DNA contains about 3 billion pairs of these bases. Each piece of information is carried on a different section of the DNA. These sections are called genes.

Genes are found in the cells that make up our bodies, but are so tiny that they are invisible without special microscopes. Changes within genes, known as mutations, make us different from one another.

These changes may result in a different eye colour, height or foot size, or may cause disease and other problems. As individuals, we all have our own unique genetic make-up.

Identifying the genetic causes

We're really interested in identifying the specific gene changes that cause your IBD. We do so by simply taking a bit of your blood and extracting the genes out of it.

We are then able to read your genes by using a cutting-edge technology called 'next generation sequencing', which allows us to fully examine your genes (every person has approximately 20,000 genes) using a super-powerful computer we call Iridis.

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