Thomas Ellis is a principal lecturer at the Institute of Criminal Justice Studies at the University of Portsmouth. His areas of expertise include Japanese criminal justice, youth justice, prisons, prostitution, and race, diversity and criminal justice, where he sits on the Ministry of Justice's Race Statistics Advisory Board. Until 1999, he worked for the Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate and also had a two-year spell at UNICRI based in Rome. Tom is also an external member of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) Research Panel.
Project management, fieldwork, survey design, quantitative and qualitative analysis in large and small scale research and evaluation studies
Japanese and Korean criminal justice
Youth justice
Race and criminal justice
Comparative research
Youth justice
Nee Claire, Ellis Tom, Morris Paul, Wilson A. (2013) Addressing criminality in childhood: is responsivity the central issue? International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 57 (11): 1347-1373 10.1177/0306624X12460377
Ellis Tom, Lee J., Pamment Nick (2013) South Korean probation: volunteering and late onset crime control? Crime Prevention and Community Safety 15 (4): 292-305 10.1057/cpcs.2013.11
Sandford-Smith Nicholas, Ellis Tom (2012) Portsmouth community safety survey (2012) summary report The Internet Journal of Criminology
Brooks G., Chen F., Lewis Chris, Ellis Tom (2012) Young people as social capital: policing and preventing crime among young people ‘ at risk ' in Taiwan and England Crime Prevention and Community Safety 14 (1): 16-32 10.1057/cpcs.2011.8
Ellis Tom, Lewis Chris, Sato M. (2011) The Japanese probation service: a third sector template? Probation Journal 58 (4): 333-344 10.1177/0264550511420750
Jenkins C., Tom Ellis (2011) The highway to hooliganism? An evaluation of the impact of combat sport participation on individual criminality International Journal of Police Science & Management 13 (2): 117-131 10.1350/ijps.2011.13.2.234
Ellis Tom, Akpala J. (2011) Making sense of the relationship between trafficking in persons, human smuggling, and organized crime: the case of Nigeria The Police Journal, 84 (1): 13-3410.1358/pojo.2011.841.507
Case S., Ellis Tom, Haines K., Hayden Carol, Shalev Karen, Shawyer Andrea (2011) A tale of two cities: young people, anti-social behaviour and localised public opinion Crime Prevention and Community Safety 13 (3): 153-170 10.1057/cpcs.2011.2
Pamment Nick, Ellis Tom (2010) A retrograde step: the potential impact of high visibility uniforms within youth justice reparation The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice 49 (1): 18-30 10.1111/j.1468-2311.2009.00578.x
Ellis Tom, Pamment Nick, Lewis Chris (2009) Public protection in youth justice? the intensive supervision and surveillance programme from the inside International Journal of Police Science & Management 11 (4): 393-413 10.1350/ijps.2009.00.0.149
Ellis Tom, Hayden Carol, Jenkins Craig, Renshaw Judy (2013) Evaluation of the Wessex Resettlement Consortium : final report Youth Justice Board ISBN
Ellis Tom, Tedstone C., Curry D. (2004) Improving race relations in prisons: what works? Home Office ISBN 1844731731
Ellis Tom, Brooks G., Lewis Chris, Al Hashemi A. (2011) Contrary crimmigration: limitations to the hypothesis for policing Dubai In: Schroeder D., eds. The 2011 AAPS Annual Conference Proceedings "Asian Policing Strategies: Comparative Perspectives" : Asian Association of Police Studies and others, pp. 64-88 ISBN
Ellis Tom, Hall Nathan (2010) Hate crime In: Brown J., Campbell E,, eds. Cambridge handbook of forensic psychology : Cambridge University Press, pp. 511-519 ISBN 9780521878098
Ellis Tom, Lewis Chris, Hamai K., Williamson T. (2008) Japanese community policing under the microscope In: Williamson T., eds. The handbook of knowledge based policing: current conceptions and future directions : Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd ISBN 9780470028995
Lewis Chris, Ellis Tom (2007) Victim protection in the United Kingdom: policies, practice and the law In: Wei Z., eds. Criminal victim support study : People's Court ISBN 9787802174405
Scurlock Bill, Ellis Tom (2005) Mauritius police force In: Sullivan Larry E., eds. Encyclopedia of law enforcement : SAGE Publications, pp. 1184-1186 ISBN 9780761926498
Brooks G., Ellis Tom, Lewis Chris, Al Hashemi A. (2011) Contrary crimmigration: limitations to the hypothesis for policing In: Asian Association of Police Studies Annual Conference 2011-06-13 - 2011-06-15, New Haven
Brooks G., Ellis Tom, Al Hashemi A., Lewis Chris (2010) Examining the relationship between migration, labour and crime in the UAE In: British Society of Criminology Conference 2010-07-11 - 2010-07-14, Lhwsester
Brooks G., Ellis Tom, Al Hashemi A. (2010) Examining the relationship between migration, labour and crime in the UAE: crime prevention and the case of Dubai, Asian Association of Police Studies and National Police University In: Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design and Community Policing 2010-06-23 - 2010-06-26, Seoul
Brooks G., Chen F., Lewis Chris, Ellis Tom (2010) Youth crime: policing and preventing young offenders 'at risk' in Taiwan (Chinese Taipei) and England and Wales In: Asian Association of Police Studies (AAPS) and National Police University, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design and Community Policing 2010-06-23 - 2010-06-26, Seoul, South Korea
Brooks G., Ellis Tom (2008) Casino culture: managing risk, funding public services and establishing care In: Portsmouth Business School Research and Knowledge Transfer Conference 2008-06-10, University of Portsmouth
Brooks G., Ellis Tom, Demott R. (2007) Cautionary tales?: changes to diversion and policing young offenders In: Korean Criminology Association (KCA)'s International Youth Justice Conference 2007-05-30, Seoul, South Korea
Ellis Tom, Shalev Karen (2008) An evaluation of the effectiveness of the Kainos community ‘challenge-to-change' programme in English prisons Working paper. Runcorn: Kainos Community, .