Role Title: Professor in Applied Social Research
Professor Carol Hayden researches children and families with multiple problems. Within this broad area she has several key specialism that include: children who are excluded or disaffected from school; children in the care system; Restorative Justice approaches as they relate to children; victimisation and children; children missing from home or care; addressing the needs of children who present highly problematic behaviour in different contexts (particularly in care and in schools). Her recent books include: Hayden, C. & Martin, D. (eds) (2011) Crime, Anti-Social Behaviour and Schools . Basingstoke: Palgrave/MacMillan; and, Hayden, C. & Gough, D. (2010) Implementing a Restorative Justice Approach in Children's Residential Care. Bristol: Policy Press.
Inaugural lecture: Crime, Anti-Social Behaviour and Schools in Britain - Are all schools 'at risk'?
Violence in childhood
Troubled Families - comparative research on two local programmes (2013-2015)
Children in care and custody and ‘troubled families' policy and practice development (2012)
Evaluation of a Regional Resettlement Consortia (2011-12)
Children Missing from Care and Home (2009-2011)
Children in Care - Placement Stability (2009-2010)
European Safer Schools (2010)
School Survey - 'Staying Safe and Out of Trouble' (2007-2008)
Evaluation of an Educational Programme for Young Offenders (2004-2007)
Implementing Restorative Justice in Children's Residential Care (2006-2008)
Children Excluded from School (various)
Evaluation of Behaviour Management Programmes (various)
A Comparative study of Violence in School in England and France
Comparing Absence and Disaffection from School in France and England
Educational programmes and young offenders
Family Group Conferences in Education
Social work and Parental Substance Misuse
Hayden Carol, Jenkins Craig (2013) Children taken into care and custody and the ‘troubled families' agenda in England Child & Family Social Work 10.1111/cfs.12095
Hayden Carol, Goodship J. (2013) Children reported ‘missing' to the police: is it possible to ‘risk assess' every incident? The British Journal of Social Work : 1-17 10.1093/bjsw/bct150
Hayden Carol (2012) Restorative justice, restorative approaches and schools Crime Talk
Hayden Carol, Dlugosz G. (2012) Secondary school children and the experience of robbery: a survey in three south London schools Crime Prevention and Community Safety 14 (2): 122-139 10.1057/cpcs.2011.21
Hayden Carol, Nardone A. (2012) Moving in to social housing and the dynamics of difference: 'neighbours from hell' with nothing to lose? The Internet Journal of Criminology
Norgate R., Warhurst A., Hayden Carol, Osborne C., Traill M. (2012) Social worker perspectives on the placement instability of looked after children Adoption & Fostering 36 (2): 4-18
Hayden Carol, Holt Amanda, Martin D., Nee Claire (2011) Safer schools in the UK - a case study The International Journal on School Disaffection 8 (2): 5-13
Holt Amanda, Martin D., Hayden Carol, Nee Claire (2011) Schooled in democracy? promoting democratic values as a whole-school approach to violence prevention Crime Prevention and Community Safety 13 (3): 205-217 10.1057/cpcs.2011.6
Case S., Ellis Tom, Haines K., Hayden Carol, Shalev Karen, Shawyer Andrea (2011) A tale of two cities: young people, anti-social behaviour and localised public opinion Crime Prevention and Community Safety 13 (3): 153-170 10.1057/cpcs.2011.2
Hayden Carol (2010) Offending behaviour in care : is children's residential care a ‘criminogenic' environment? Child & Family Social Work 13 (4): 461-472 10.1111/j.1365-2206.2010.00697.x
Ellis Tom, Hayden Carol, Jenkins Craig, Renshaw Judy (2013) Evaluation of the Wessex Resettlement Consortium : final report Youth Justice Board ISBN
Hayden Carol, Martin D., eds. (2011) Crime, anti-social behaviour and schools Palgrave Macmillan ISBN 9780230241978
Hayden Carol, Gough Dennis (2010) Implementing a restorative justice approach in children's residential care Policy Press ISBN 9781847426482
Hayden Carol (2007) Children in trouble: the role of families, schools and communities Palgrave Macmillan ISBN 9781403994868
Hayden Carol, Dunne S. (2001) Outside, looking in: children's and families' experiences of exclusion from school The Children's Society ISBN 1899783369
Hayden Carol, Goddard J., Gorin S., Van der Spek N. (1999) State child care: looking after children? Jessica Kingsley Publishers ISBN 1853026700
Hayden Carol (1997) Children excluded from primary school: debates, evidence, responses Open University Press ISBN 9780335195633
Hayden Carol (2013) Reflections on researching restorative approaches in schools and children's residential care In: Sellman E., McCluskey G., Cremin H., eds. Restorative approaches to conflict in schools : Taylor & Francis, pp. 82-93 ISBN 9780415656092
Hayden Carol (2013) Youth offending and emotional and behavioural difficulties In: Cole T., Daniels H., Visser J., eds. The Routledge international companion to emotional and behavioural difficulties : Routledge, pp. 48-56 ISBN 9780415584630
Hayden Carol (2005) Crime prevention: the role and potential of schools In: Winstone Jane, Pakes Francis, eds. Community justice: issues for probation and criminal justice : Willan Publishing, pp. 142-164 ISBN 1843921286
Hayden Carol, Blaya C. (2004) Décrochage scolaire et absentéisme en France et en Angleterre = School dropout and absenteeism in France and England In: Glasman D., Oeuvrard F., eds. La descolarisation La Dispute, pp. 279-295 ISBN
Hayden Carol (2002) Risk factors and exclusion from school In: Debarbieux E., Blaya C., eds. Violence in schools and public policies : Elsevier, pp. 85-102 ISBN 9782842993900
Hayden Carol (2001) Social exclusion and exclusion from school in England In: Daniels H., Visser J., Cole T., eds. Emotional and behavioural difficulties in mainstream schools : JAI Press, pp. 113-128 ISBN 9780762307227
Hayden Carol, Blaya Catherine (2001) Violence and aggression in English schools In: Debarbieux Eric, Blaya Catherine, eds. Violence en milieu scolaire. Tome3, Dix approches en Europe = Violence in middle schools. Vol. 3, Ten approaches in Europe ESF editeur, pp. 43-70 ISBN 2710115018
Hayden Carol (2000) Exclusion from school in England: the generation and maintenance of social exclusion In: Walveren G., Persons C., eds. Combating social exclusion through education : laissez-faire, authoritarianism or third way? : Garant, pp. 69-82 ISBN 9044110624
Hayden Carol (1996) Primary exclusions: the need for integrated solutions In: Blyth E., Milner J., eds. Exclusion from school: inter-professional issues in policy and practice : Routledge, pp. 224-236 ISBN 9780415132770
Swarup N., Hayden Carol (1994) Partnership with black and minority ethnic communities: services for children under eight In: Buchanan A., eds. Partnership in practice - The Children Act 1989 : Avebury, pp. 49-59 ISBN 9781856285612
Hayden Carol (2011) Crime, anti-social behaviour and schools in Britain: are all schools ‘at risk'? In: Inaugural lecture: Crime, Anti-Social Behaviour and Schools 2011-01-26, Park Building, University of Portsmouth