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The University of Southampton
Institute of Criminal Justice Research Members

Professor Carol Hayden


Professor Carol Hayden researches children and families with multiple problems.  Within this broad area she has several key specialism that include: children who are excluded or disaffected from school; children in the care system; Restorative Justice approaches as they relate to children; victimisation and children; children missing from home or care; addressing the needs of children who present highly problematic behaviour in different contexts (particularly in care and in schools).  Her recent books include: Hayden, C. & Martin, D. (eds) (2011) Crime, Anti-Social Behaviour and Schools .  Basingstoke: Palgrave/MacMillan; and, Hayden, C. & Gough, D. (2010) Implementing a Restorative Justice Approach in Children's Residential Care. Bristol: Policy Press.

Inaugural lecture: Crime, Anti-Social Behaviour and Schools in Britain - Are all schools 'at risk'?

Research Interests

  • Applied social research
  • Children at risk and in trouble (home, school, community)
  • Inter-agency work with children and young people at risk or in trouble
  • Exclusion and Disaffection from School
  • 'Looked After' Children, Child Abuse and the Child Protection System
  • Missing children
  • Youth Justice
  • Violence in childhood

Current and Recent Research:

Troubled Families - comparative research on two local programmes (2013-2015)
Children in care and custody and ‘troubled families' policy and practice development (2012)
Evaluation of a Regional Resettlement Consortia (2011-12)
Children Missing from Care and Home (2009-2011)
Children in Care - Placement Stability (2009-2010)
European Safer Schools (2010)

Past Research Projects:

School Survey - 'Staying Safe and Out of Trouble' (2007-2008)
Evaluation of an Educational Programme for Young Offenders (2004-2007)
Implementing Restorative Justice in Children's Residential Care (2006-2008)
Children Excluded from School (various)
Evaluation of Behaviour Management Programmes (various)
A Comparative study of Violence in School in England and France
Comparing Absence and Disaffection from School in France and England
Educational programmes and young offenders
Family Group Conferences in Education
Social work and Parental Substance Misuse




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