Dr Gethin Rees
Lecturer in Criminology, Extensions Deputy
Dr Gethin Rees is Lecturer in Criminology within Social Sciences: Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology at the University of Southampton.
I joined the division in 2011 as a Lecturer in Criminology. I previously studied at the University of York as an undergraduate, and completed my MSc and PhD at the University of Edinburgh.
Following my PhD I was fortunate enough to secure an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Postdoctoral Fellowship, which in turn was followed by an ESRC Small Grant. The latter funded a comparative study of the novel Forensic Nurse Examiner role in the UK with the more established Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner in Ontario, Canada. This study was a development of my previous research investigating the ways that doctors perform forensic examinations of sexual assault complainants.
I am a founding member of the Comparative Analysis of Institutional Responses to Rape Network and have been a Visiting Fellow at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University and the Department of Sociology, Trent University, Ontario, Canada.