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The University of Southampton
Computationally Intensive Imaging

About us

Imaging activities across the university encompass many different signal modalities, data processing methods, image processing approaches, visualisation and computational infrastructure.  Application domains cover the clinical, biomedical, physical, environmental and engineering sciences, along with the humanities, addressing many societal priorities such as Energy, Health Technologies, Environmental Change, Crop Security and Ageing Societies.

The USRG will consolidate a network of cross-university interactions.  Whilst numerous sub-themes and activities are identifiable, the following topics are identified for development in the first instance:


Recognising and supporting the underpinning role of computing in scientific imaging: reducing time to discovery

CII Art Exhibition

A pollen grain on a daisy petal

The petal was dried and coated in metal before imaging with a field emission gun scanning electron microscope (FEG SEM). The pollen grain is 15 micrometres in diameter. The FEG SEM produces very high resolution images. It can also be used at variable pressure to image uncoated and wet samples.

CII Art Exhibition


Manually assembled tile set (6 tiles) of maximum intensity projections of carmine-stained Corophium (marine amphipod) imaged by confocal microscopy

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